2 \nNetNote 1\nNetNote Document\nNetNote Files (*.nn)\n.nn\nNn.Document\nNetNote Document 50000 &Bold 50001 &Italic 50002 &Underline 50003 &Strike 50004 Use defaul&t Font 50005 Ce&ntered 50006 &Font... 50007 Selected Font --> &Default font 50008 &Load rtf text... 50009 S&ave text in rtf... 50010 &Print text... 50011 Select back&ground... 50012 Text c&olor 50013 Bull&et 57344 NetNote 57634 Copy 57635 Cut 57637 Paste 60000 This operation replace your user list by the one in the shared directory. Some users can't be found immediately. Do you want to continue ? 60001 has received : 60002 has read : 60003 note without resume. 60004 Click here to notify sender 60005 NetNote can crash if all dialog boxes are not closed. Do you want to continue ? 60006 Stop NetNote ? 60007 Delete this note ? 60008 Can't display more than one of this dialog box at the same time. 60009 Bitmap file (*.bmp)|*.bmp|| 60010 Are you sure ? 60011 Deleting a note user 60012 This version doesn't accept commas in that field. 60013 This message is comming from an unknown user. Do you want to update your user list ? 60014 That user has not been found. 60015 Sound files (*.wav)|*.wav|| 60016 Bad key !\nRegister failed. 60017 Rich text files (*.rtf)|*.rtf|| 60018 Some important parameters are missing to NetNote. It can run abnormaly until ther are entered. 60019 Pease enter this parameter ! 60020 You haven't filled the shared directory, so NetNote is not configured for net. If you change your mind, enter this parameter in the 'Your config.' dialog. 60021 This version doesn't accept commas, spaces and tabulations in that field. 60022 Sorry, you have reached the maximum number of notes at the same time for that version ! 60023 Non registered 60024 Regist. : 60025 You are not allowed to read this note ! 60026 The date is not valid ! 60027 The time is not valid ! 60028 { tf1nsi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}\n{\colortbl ed0\green0\blue0; ed0\green255\blue0; ed0\green0\blue0;}\n\pard\qc\plain\f0\fs24\cf1\b \n\par }\n 60029 The repeat time must set between 1 and 6 minutes. 60030 The time for temporary note must be set between 1 and 60 seconds. 60031 The attraction must be set between 1 and 2000 pixels. 60032 You must choose a bitmap ! 60033 Barre à Gauche 60034 Barre en Haut 60035 Barre à droite 60036 Barre en bas 60037 Cachée automatiquement 60038 Toujours au premier plan 60039 NetNote 1 : Double-cliquez sur cette barre pour créer une nouvelle note. 60040 Error while searching or loading the file RICHED(32).DLL. Make sure this file is in your NetNote directory or in your Windows\System directory. 60041 Double-click to create a new note 60042 Click on the button to continue... 60043 Message from a NetNote user : \n \n